Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I Have a Masters Degree in Educational Technology. Really.

I have been blessed with a student teacher this semester.  She's fantastic.  And she makes us cupcakes.    And does other stuff too.  She has been starting to take over teaching the afternoon classes as well as creating some cool Prezis. Prezi, in case you don't know, is a web-based presentation program kind of like PowerPoint.  But cooler, in an albeit slightly nausea-inducing fashion.  I have been using her Prezis even in the classes that I am still teaching rather than the PowerPoints that I've used for years.   I always try to make my PowerPoints visually interesting, but the students are apparently over it...

Me: Okay, I need you to get out a piece of paper and write down what the expectations are for your poetry explication essay.  *turns on projector*

Student:  Wow, a Prezi!  That's really cool, Ms. Whiston!

Me:  I know, right?

Student:  Your student teacher made it, didn't she?

Me: *sighs* Maybe.

I am going to go back to my cave and hammer some rocks together.

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