Friday, November 4, 2016

No Business Like Show Business

One of my self-appointed jobs as a middle school teacher is to teach my students that life isn't fair.  You don't like your assigned seat?  Life's not fair.  You forgot your book in your locker?  Life's not fair.  The English language is difficult?  Life's not fair.

It's a public service, really.

I don't remember what the charge was today--maybe something about not getting chosen to share good news or something equally as life-shattering.  So I launched into my usual speech about life not being fair.  A kid over in the corner--without prompting from me-- launched into "It's A Hard-Knock Life."  He was quickly joined by the majority of the class.  That adorable Orphan Annie sure gets me.

In related news, I would like to promote the use of show tunes in the classroom on a daily basis.  Perhaps I can team up with the music teacher and offer credit for applying appropriate lyrics to classroom situations....hmmmm...

1 comment:

  1. So glad my son knew what to do and provided some much needed comic relief.
