Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Fear Leads to Anger, Anger Leads to Hate, Hate Leads to SUFFERING...

Today's topic was epics.  I mean, EPICS.  While we are studying the more traditional, poetry kind of epics, the students are more familiar with modern epics such as Star Wars, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter.  Which works well for me since I can use them as examples of characteristics.

One characteristic of epics is that they often include a struggle between GOOD and EVIL.  Who better to illustrate this conflict than Darth Vader?  Which of course prompted a discussion about whether Darth Vader was truly evil, and we all know where that goes.

I start trying to wrap up the discussion so we can move to the next slide, but a student in the back just can't let it go and blurts out, "When you teachers give us homework, that's when the evil wins!  GET OUT THE PITCHFORKS!"

Really.  She played the pitchfork card.

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