Friday, September 11, 2015

Rodent Escapades

Never in a thousand years would I imagine that I would have ANOTHER blogworthy moment in my new job so soon!  And it's AMAZING.

I had just gotten out of an interview for a new staff member when I heard the front office calling for a custodian needed in a fourth grade classroom on the radio.  I ignored it and started back to "my" office, but one of the ladies in the front office said that I should also go to the fourth grade room.  Um, why?  Because there was a MOUSE in the closet!  Clearly, I was the woman for the job.

So I booked it down to the room and saw the custodian coming out the door.  I asked him if he had caught the mouse, and he said no.  He was going to call the exterminator.


Okay, I have a soft spot for mices.

The mouse, who was scared out of its little mouse brain, was hiding in the closet.  I carefully took some of the stuff out of the bottom of the closet, which of course just made the mouse panic even more.  When I tried to grab it, it jumped out of my hands and ran out the door of the classroom.  Now we have mouse on the loose in the hallway.  By this time, the other custodian had joined in the Great Mouse Hunt, so there were three adults running after this teeny little mouse.  Kids are watching through the doors of the classrooms as we dive on the floor trying to grab it, probably laughing at our lack of grace and skill at mouse-catching.  I cornered it, but it kept jumping out of my grasp.  I was worried that it was either going to run under the door to another classroom, or run down my pants.  Finally, one of the custodians executed some crazy ninja moves (seriously--I have never seen the like) and trapped the mouse in a plastic container.  She then immediately handed it off to me.  I, of course, took its picture:

No, I did not keep it as a pet, even though it was super-cute.  I took it outside and set it free in the field behind the school.  It scampered away, much relieved to be free.  At least until 8:00 when it can slip back inside the building.

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