Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Fra-jee-lay....It Must Be Italian!

It's been a while...some not so funny stuff going on.  But here's a funny story to reward you for your patience.

Today after school, a GIGANTIC semi attempted to pull into the parking lot during pick-up time.  If you have ever been in the school parking lot at 3:15, you know that it is not a place to be driving a semi.  Or anything else, if you ask me.  But I digress.  The semi was delivering a cart for a classroom set of Chromebooks, which really is not large enough to warrant an entire semi, but whatever.  Not my problem.  The principal managed to get the semi out of the way until the parking lot emptied and then asked if I would help to ensure that it got into the building with her.  The semi driver loaded the cart off the truck, no problem.  Then he worked on unwrapping it from the shipping materials while the principal and I waited.

Here's where it gets interesting.  The cart had a pyramid-shaped warning sign on the top so that no one would stack anything on top of it.  The semi driver said, "Oh, I'm sorry, there's only one party hat for you."  Which, of course, means I have to put it on my head.  See below:

As I was busy taking selfies/embarassing students by forcing them to admit they know me, the semi driver looks at me intently and asks, "Do you watch that show American Horror Story?"  Well, I don't, but I'm pretty sure nothing good can come out of a conversation that begins like that.  I admit to not watching it, but say that I know that it is super scary, especially this season.  The driver says, "Oh no, I don't mean this season.  The one you make me think of is the one with the freak show."

The principal lost it completely.  I was forced to slink inside in shame.  With my party hat, obviously.

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