Thursday, September 10, 2015

A New Adventure

As some of you may know, I am currently acting as the middle school dean at my school while the real one is out on maternity leave. So unfortunately, I am not in the classroom overhearing random gems of seventh-grade wisdom currently.  I am discovering, however, that there's a wealth of other places to overhear crazy stuff within the school building and its outskirts.  Perhaps that's because the crazy follows me around--whatever.  Point is, there's still good material out there.

For today's anecdote, some background information is necessary.  The admin team is learning how to handle all the paperwork related to students who are not native English speakers.  As a newbie, I had NO idea how much work is involved in testing, monitoring, and tutoring these students.  There were lots of acronyms being thrown around which meant nothing to us.  Thankfully we have lots of people who are trying to help us through the process, but it was still a painful dose of reality.  After two hours of feeling frustrated and stupid, my ADD got the better of me and I had to stand up to take a walk.  My walk took me past the table with all the random free stuff that teachers dump in the lounge.

Me:  OOOOOOH!  A dinosaur book!  With cardboard models you can build!  Why was I not informed about this?  (snatches book gleefully)

My Boss:  And this is why we need all the help we can get with this stuff.

Okay, my presence may actually be the common equation here....

1 comment:

  1. There will be pictures of the completed dinosaurs, right? That's what this post was about?
