Friday, December 12, 2014

That Escalated Quickly.

During homeroom this morning, the kids were complaining that they had a test in EVERY class today.  And there was great wailing and gnashing of teeth.  I pointed out to them that they had a ten-question math QUIZ and a spelling test, which is really no big deal.  And maybe they should get over themselves.  This led to a diatribe about how important it was for them to do well on these tests because they could affect their entire future, and we (the teachers) should therefore cancel at least SOME of the tests,  I wanted to point out that one spelling test counts for nearly nothing in a weighted gradebook, but I let them expound on their thesis.

Student: If we fail the spelling test, we're going to have to live in a box on the streets of Detroit.  And then some guy will pee on us.

Clearly, I should have been willing to move the spelling test so they could avoid this fate.  I am such a jerk.

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