Thursday, December 11, 2014

In Living Color

We've been reading A Christmas Carol.  Today, since I didn't want to suffer through another stave wasn't ready to move on to Stave Three, I decided to show part of the movie.  This way, the kids don't have to focus for two hours without a break, plus they get to see the setting, costumes, etc.  The George C. Scott version (which is the ONLY acceptable version other than the Muppets) is great for this because it was filmed in a restored Victorian village.  Before we watched it, I gave them some background on the film...

Me:  So this movie was made in 1984, and yes, we did have color back then.

Student:  So is it in color?

Me:  Will someone please explain the answer to that question to [name redacted] for me?  Because I'm pretty sure I just answered it.

Student:  No, Ms. Whiston, that's not what I meant.  I meant is it in COLOR color or black-and-white color?

Me:  I need you to not ask me any more questions today please.

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