Friday, April 29, 2016

I Think They Nailed It

We have started our poetry unit in seventh grade.  Today's assignment was to write and present a group list poem (which is pretty much what it sounds like).  The topic given was "School" in any way, shape, or form that they chose.

Apparently I never learn.

One particularly devious clever group came up with this gem, which I present for you in its entirety along with my commentary in italics:

Ms. Whiston
The demon shark flies over our heads.  There is an Air Shark loose in the room
Our security system is a beheaded unicorn.  True
Handles rats like a demon boss.  I am a demon boss
Threatens us to join the Dark Side.  This is why my light saber is red
Her birthday is year round.  I haven't taken down a birthday sign from November
When we're gone, we need to bring her presents.  A genius rule, if I do say so myself
Makes [the math teacher's] room look like heaven.  Her room is definitely cleaner than mine
Uses The Force to threaten us.  Can't deny this
Her rodents keep their red beady eyes on us.  There are no albino rats in my room
Then Yoda came to save us one day.  He did.  He talks, fights, and everything
But he was too late.  Yep.  The damage has been done

Note the use of repetition, the descriptive language, the use of simile...

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