Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fools (?)

First of all, let me say that whoever made April 1st coincide with the last day before spring break ought to be forced to teach seventh graders on that day.

*vent over*

I am not big into pranks on April Fool's Day, mostly because I see no point in only fooling people on the day they're expecting it.  But I saw an idea on a blog I follow which interested me.  I tweaked it a little bit and got the principal in on it.  The idea was to tell my homeroom that I had played an epic prank on the principal this morning, but I didn't want to reveal any details because she hadn't discovered it yet.  The kids asked if she would call me when she found the prank, and I replied, "Undoubtedly."  Then I waited for the phone call from the principal.

As planned, she called and pretended to be furious with me.  The kids could only hear my half of the conversation, but it basically involved me denying all responsibility for the prank, her telling me I went too far, me pointing out that there were students present and we should discuss this later, and her saying she'd be down shortly to discuss the issue further.

The kids were pretty nonchalant about it.  "Did you get in trouble?"  one student asked.

""Meh," I said.  "She'll get over it.  She didn't really need that desk anyways."

A few minutes later, the principal and the dean came into my room and escorted me out.  We then got a box and I came back in and started emptying my desk.  Again, the kids barely even blinked.  I walked out of the room with my box, head down, not making eye contact with anyone.  Kids are LAUGHING at me.  The principal went back in and pointed out that they probably wouldn't be seeing me again, so maybe they shouldn't be laughing so much.  No dice.

Finally, we gave up and I went back in.  One child had already appropriated my rolling chair.  And my garbage can was on my desk.  Either we need to work on our acting skills, or the kids really would be fine with me leaving.  I had been worried about damaging their fragile psyches, but I needn't have worried.  "We figured the principal was pranking YOU," they said.

So a fail.  The only person who was fooled by our little skit was one of the other teachers, who thought I really was being fired.  Which was funny in hindsight, but I doubt she was amused as she watched me walk out with my box!

I also got blamed for a prank played on another teacher.  A bunch of students snuck in and sticky-noted his entire room.  THE ENTIRE ROOM.  I played no part in the execution of this prank, although I may or may not have provided a key.  BUT STILL.  There's no trust.

Adding insult to the injury, I knew that a bunch of seventh grade girls have it in for me were attempting to prank me, so I was on my guard.  I even locked my classroom door when I went to lunch, glorifying in the look of panic in their eyes as they realized they wouldn't be able to get in my room to enact their devious plan.  "Mama didn't raise no fool," I commented as I walked past them on my way to eat.

Silly me.  Silly, silly me.  I should have realized that there are an ABUNDANCE of people with keys to my room who were more than happy to unlock it.  This is what I came back to:

I had to bribe my next class to help me clean up.  In related news, I am pretty much out of tissues now.

Good thing I have a week to lick my wounds  plot my revenge relax!

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