Tuesday, January 26, 2016

You May Address Me As "Your Worshipfulness"

Two posts in one day?  DOGS AND CATS LIVING TOGETHER, MASS HYSTERIA!  When you're on, you're on.  What can I say?

Background: Today my colleague and I had a release day to complete the mass amounts of grading that comes along with interim tests and performance tasks.  Before we locked ourselves far away from the children, a parent came in and gave me a My Little Pony tiara.  Like you do.  Of course, I was now mandated to wear said tiara for the rest of the day.  Like you do.  It was strangely comfortable, perhaps a sign that I am secretly royal and my real parents will show up soon to allow me to claim my birthright.

Or not.

Moving on with the story... our principal finds us a little later that morning and asks if we would be willing to do her a favor if she bought us lunch.  Of course, we were all on board with that.  Turns out that the librarian was out sick and they needed someone to cover the library specials time for the Young Fives class.  Would we be willing to help?

Of course!  What could possibly go wrong with this plan?  Two middle school teachers with a penchant for sloths in charge of the younglings?  Bring it on!

I went down to the Young Fives classroom to find out what the plan is.  When I walked in the door, every child gasped in delight.  One little girl squealed, "ARE YOU THE QUEEN?"

I had forgotten the tiara.  Apparently tiaras cause mass hysteria in the primary hall; in my own hallway, I just explain that it's Tiara Tuesday and people nod their heads and move along.

"Why, yes!"  I announced grandly.  "I am the Queen of the Library today, and I look forward to seeing you later this morning!"  Then I had to fight off a rush of small children who all wanted to touch the royal tiara.  As I tried to fend them off, a little girl whispers, "I hope you wear your fancy dress to the library!"

Great.  I can't disappoint the children.  So I stopped in my room before we headed to the library and picked up the gold lame´cape that I just so happen to keep in my closet (what, like you don't?) and felt this would suffice.  The first twenty minutes of our library time went swimmingly.  But soon I could sense the small ones were growing antsy.  We raided my closet once more and found my box of random dress-up items, which provided the chance for complete chaos and anarchy as well as general hilarity.  When our principal stopped in to check on us, we were running around the library wearing wigs, boas, and glasses.  We had a BLAST.  I just hope that the teacher can forgive us someday for riling the kids up.  At least they had lunch right afterwards.

At the end of the day, a small child yelled, "Goodbye, Queen!" as she walked out of the building.  I think my work here is done.


I know it's been a long time.  Sometimes things just aren't that funny, and it's been like that for a while.  Or maybe something was funny, but not blogworthy.  Yes, that's a quality of humor.  But finally, here's an incident that wasn't truly overheard or in my classroom yet still blogworthy...

It will probably surprise none of you that I like to tease seventh graders impart words of wisdom to seventh graders at all hours of the day.  I have an Instagram account for this express purpose.  It amazes the children that I am aware of social media and even participate in it on occasion; also, they are mortified by my use of hashtags, which of course makes me use more of them.  I was teasing some seventh grade girls having a deep, philosophical conversation with some seventh grade girls regarding the importance of spelling last night.  Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a transcript of said conversation:

#winning  #dontmesswiththemaster  #schooled  #usingmysocialmediapresenceforgood