Tuesday, May 12, 2015

We Love Testing!

And because we love testing so much, we haven't had regular classes in a while.  I've been collecting the random awsomeness for you, however, and now it gets published in one big post o' joy and happiness.

Scene One: Before school begins.  Students are talking about a car they followed that had something hanging out of the trunk.
Student:  I was kind of upset when they opened the trunk that it wasn't a body.  Sacrifices must be made, I guess.

Scene Two:  Again, before school begins.  I am taking a selfie for some reason, probably to send to my now-former student teacher to harrass her.
Student (in tone of incredulity):  What are you doing?  You're taking selfies and you're pushing 50?
I'm really not pushing 50, btw.

Scene Three:  Before school.  I have been asked to fill in for traffic duty.
Me:  Is it raining outside right now?
Student:  No, but it rained last night.
Because that would somehow help me to decide if I should bring an umbrella or not.

Scene Four:  On our way to test in the library.
Student One:  Wow, look at [actual name redacted, let's call him Johnny].  Johnny looks different today.
Student Two:  Yeah, you're right.  What's different about him?
Student One:  Oh my gosh, Johnny's not wearing his jacket!
Student Two:  He's living the thug life.

Scene Five: Before assembly.
Former Homeroom Student:  Is [actual name redacted, let's call her Susie] in your homeroom?
Me:  Yes, she is.
Former Homeroom Student:  Is she there now?
Me:  Yes, she is.
Former Homeroom Student: Okay, great!  Where's your homeroom?
Me:  Are you for reals?

I hope that this sampling of seventh (and eighth) grade craziness helps to get you through your day.  It sure helps me.  That and banging my head against the wall.

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