Monday, October 3, 2022

Oh, Jo.....

 Last week in Creative Writing we watched Little Women.  The kids were testing in ELA class and I didn't want their brains to explode I wanted them to be fresh for testing.  So, movie days.  

I was pleased that the kids were outraged at the sexism shown towards the little women throughout the film.  There was general outrage when Jo was offered only a small amount of money for her stories, as well as the general push for women to stay home and get married.  But the highlight of the movie occurred towards the end when (spoiler alert) Jo turns down Laurie's marriage proposal and then changes her mind only to discover he has married her sister.  Jo then goes up to her room and begins burning her writing page by page.  One of the students gasped and then blurted out, "Really?  All because of a boy?"

My work here is done.

I'm Not A Math Teacher, But....

 Driveline leads to all sorts of bizarro conversations with students.  Usually I don't remember what led up to the moment, only the moment itself.  For example, last week we were talking about drawing shapes for some reason.  Or maybe it was something totally unrelated--I honestly don't remember.  All I know is that a student piped up with, "I know how to draw a circle.  Some circles have corners."

Pretty sure that's not true.