Thursday, February 15, 2018

Those Authors, Sheesh.

The powers that be have given me a student teacher again.  THE FOOLS!  THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO!  Because I am apparently genetically incapable of allowing her to deal with behavior issues, I try to peace out for part of the time when she is teaching.  This way she can learn how to give the death glare and the universal "zip-it" sign instead of me launching myself across the room to handle it for her.  Instead, I wander the halls, causing chaos and anarchy wherever I go.  For example, today I riled up the kindergarteners in gym class.  At one point there were about ten of them launching dodgeballs at me, screaming, "GET HER!!!!!" 

But I digress.

Having a student teacher also gives me the freedom to lurk in the back of my room and listen in.  We just started the infamous poetry unit, so "The Highwayman" was the poem of the day.  It's usually a popular selection due to the combination of hot pirate-like criminals wearing leather pants and fun words to use in 7th grade like "breast," "butt," and "hell".  Plus everyone dies in the end (spoiler alert). 

The last class of the day totally latched on to the connection to Romeo and Juliet, which we'd studied earlier.  Once they realized that Bess the landlord's daughter died to save her love, but he dies anyway, they went crazy.  One gentleman sitting in the back by me had some particularly scathing commentary:

"Why do all the good characters have to die at the end?  Especially when they are hot girls?  Man, authors SUCK!"

#truth, people.