Thursday, December 22, 2016

When You're a Jet, You Stay a Jet!

We've been studying Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet for the past two weeks.  Luckily, one of my curricular objectives demands that we compare and contrast the text to a filmed version.  DONE!  I show a few clips from the 1997 Romeo + Juliet with Leonardo, Gnomeo and Juliet (this made an appearance in the blog last year), and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare--Abridged!  

Today was a half day, and I only had about thirty minutes with one of my classes.  I decided I would show them some of West Side Story.  I used to show the entire movie because I feel it is my duty as a teacher to expose my students to the wonder of musical theater, plus then I can sing the songs at the kids all day and it gives me great pleasure.  Strangely, the students are usually bored and/or annoyed with the film (and possibly my singing), so I have backed off and now only show a few scenes.  Today's group, however, would have happily watched the entire thing.  I started off with the opening dance battle scene.  Usually the kids complain about how lame it is.  This group immediately sorted themselves into rival gangs based on shirt color.  We didn't have time to watch much more other than the scene at the dance, but it certainly made an impression.  As they walked out to their lockers, there was a great deal of snapping as well as some jazz hands.  No, I am not joking.

A parent has already reported that the snapping continued at home as well.  Apparently I need to teach an elective on classical musical films.